Create a wireframe that acts as an information architecture, establishing where content will go: menu items, article features, sidebars, etc. The wireframe may be composed using Adobe Illustrator, and will be handed in at the end of class, Feb. 14. Illustrator documents should be saved as PDFs. Address the following:
- Where will the main menu appear?
- What about submenus?
- Should the submenus be dropdowns? Flyouts?
- Be sure all menus are navigable.
- Do you need a sidebar, and if so, what content goes there?
- Are there models for your website, existing frameworks that you can reference?
- If you reference models, be sure they're appropriate.
- max. width of 960 pixels
- do not worry about relative versus absolute positioning
- use a grid
- show main wireframe of index, and any other sub-pages or sub-designs if they are different from the main/home page
- consider that wireframes will need to be composed in CSS and HTML so use restraint when designing your layout
- imagery is not needed for the wireframe
- you may use the fonts you plan on using, and be mindful that you must use some "referenced" fonts, such as Google Web Fonts or FontSquirrel, so at the minimum, use fonts in your Headings h1 through h6 for your wireframe to show us the look and feel
- Illustrator file as PDF
- compose your wireframes large enough for us to view on the digital display