- Screen resolutions and proportions
- Names of at least four web browsers
- Browser prefs: fonts, colors, styles and how ems and font-family play into display
- Five font types, pages 269-270: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy
- Font declarations in CSS, and "fallback" fonts
- Identifying Doctype declarations: XHTML, HTML 4, HTML 5
- Elements in the head tag and what they do
- Attributes: name and value
- Display: Block vs. Inline
- HTML elements
- HTML tags
- Opening and closing tags
- Regular vs. Self-closing Tags
- Title, alt, head, body, div
- Headings, paragraphs, markup for bold, emphasis, italics, unordered lists, ordered lists, line breaks, external style sheet
- Inline elements to style text, such as span, strong, other text tags
- Absolute versus Relative links to URLs, images, and CSS
- Images: know pages 107-120
- How white space collapses in the backend of HTML
- What a CSS is made up of: selector, declaration, property, and value, pages 231-232
- Basic CSS markups, opening, closing, properties, and where each goes
- How the cascade works, from top to bottom, and what gets priority, page 239
- CSS selectors: Classes (.classname), IDs (#idname), childs, descendants, pages 237-238
- Benefits of using IDs versus benefits of using Classes
- The art of naming IDs and Classes
- CSS connectivity: linked, embedded, inline; and the differences
- Comments in HTML and comments in CSS
- Specifying colors, hex versus RGB,
- New color attributes: RGBA - Red Green Blue Alpha 0 to 1
- Absolute positioning on a grid
- Margins versus padding; the box model, Chapter 13
- Background images as tile, repeat-x, repeat-y, single image, placement, no-repeats, fixed
- Link styles, including background images for links, and ALHV (a:active, a:link, a:hover, a:visited)
- JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs: the differences and advantages
- transparency with GIFs and PNGs
- animation with GIFs
- sizing the image, and what bad sizing looks
- optimizing images with compression
- How to link to images you place in an HTML page
- Types of cable connections for transferring data, and the fastest of the bunch, good overview at NY Times on consumer connections
- Directory structure
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Feb. 21 Mid-Term Materials
The mid-term is worth 20% of your overall grade for the semester, and will count as 200 points. It will include textbook content: Introduction, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 (elements from Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 15 will not be on the mid-term). The items covered on past quizzes may show up on the mid-term.