Persona (from Apple dictionary): the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others: her public persona. In psychology, often contrasted with anima.
You can use magazine materials found in Rutledge 212 and 220 to cut and paste photos, typography, textures, websites, hobbies, etc. You may also make your collage digitally. You may do this all digitally, laying it out as a PDF. You may also create a Pinterest board. Your collage/board can include:
- physical traits, parts of the body, body forms that show us what your persona looks like
- any materials your user would possess, such as clothing, computers, phones, cars, houses
- images representing the kind of work your user would do
- images relating to the peripheral interests you user would have, be they hobbies, etc.
The collage will be presented starting at 12:30pm on Thursday's class, and can be built using all printed sources, all digital sources, or a combination of the two. Format should be 11-inches wide by 8.5 inches high, landscape. Submit files to Turnstile2.
Digital Files saved as PDFs for presentation on the overhead projector.
Also acceptable: Pinterest Board shared with the class on the overhead screen.