- Brainstorming
- Identifying
- Researching
- Justifying
- Specifying
- Green Lighting
Intro to Web Images
- 72dpi
- RGB, Adaptive, 16-bit, 8-bit
- Sizes, Proportions
- Display dependency
- File Formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG
GIF: Graphics Interchange Format
- eight bits of color
- up to 256 colors
- for simple graphics
- renderings with as little as one or two colors
- few colors = lower image quality, smaller file
- many colors = high level of image quality, larger file
- can have transparency or clippings
- when animated, also called Animated GIFs
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
- developed principally for photographs
- up to twenty-four bits of color to render millions of colors
- no transparency
- no animation
- can use "lossy compression" to reduce file size
- high compression = lower image quality but smaller file
- low compression = high level of image quality but larger file
PNG: Portable Network Graphics
- millions of colors like a JPEG
- added bonus of transparency like a GIF
- does not deliver animation
- can compress a PNG file to make it smaller
- reduce/adjust the color spectrum