Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb. 21 Mid-Term Materials

The mid-term is worth 20% of your overall grade for the semester, and will count as 200 points. It will include textbook content: Introduction, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 (elements from Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 15 will not be on the mid-term). The items covered on past quizzes may show up on the mid-term.
  1. Screen resolutions and proportions
  2. Names of at least four web browsers
  3. Browser prefs: fonts, colors, styles and how ems and font-family play into display
  4. Five font types, pages 269-270: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy
  5. Font declarations in CSS, and "fallback" fonts
  6. Identifying Doctype declarations: XHTML, HTML 4, HTML 5 
  7. Elements in the head tag and what they do
  8. Attributes: name and value
  9. Display: Block vs. Inline
  10. HTML elements
  11. HTML tags
  12. Opening and closing tags
  13. Regular vs. Self-closing Tags
  14. Title, alt, head, body, div
  15. Headings, paragraphs, markup for bold, emphasis, italics, unordered lists, ordered lists, line breaks, external style sheet
  16. Inline elements to style text, such as span, strong, other text tags
  17. Absolute versus Relative links to URLs, images, and CSS
  18. Images: know pages 107-120
  19. How white space collapses in the backend of HTML
  20. What a CSS is made up of: selector, declaration, property, and value, pages 231-232
  21. Basic CSS markups, opening, closing, properties, and where each goes
  22. How the cascade works, from top to bottom, and what gets priority, page 239
  23. CSS selectors: Classes (.classname), IDs (#idname), childs, descendants, pages 237-238
  24. Benefits of using IDs versus benefits of using Classes
  25. The art of naming IDs and Classes
  26. CSS connectivity: linked, embedded, inline; and the differences
  27. Comments in HTML and comments in CSS
  28. Specifying colors, hex versus RGB, 
  29. New color attributes: RGBA - Red Green Blue Alpha 0 to 1
  30. Absolute positioning on a grid
  31. Margins versus padding; the box model, Chapter 13
  32. Background images as tile, repeat-x, repeat-y, single image, placement, no-repeats, fixed
  33. Link styles, including background images for links, and ALHV (a:active, a:link, a:hover, a:visited)
  34. Define URL, GUI, WYSIWYG, CSS, ISP
  35. JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs: the differences and advantages 
  36. transparency with GIFs and PNGs
  37. animation with GIFs
  38. sizing the image, and what bad sizing looks
  39. optimizing images with compression
  40. How to link to images you place in an HTML page 
  41. Types of cable connections for transferring data, and the fastest of the bunch, good overview at NY Times on consumer connections  
  42. Directory structure